How Much User Experience Effort by Types of Release

The level of user experience effort that is practical for a given release depends, to some extent, on the type of release—that is, whether it is a major release, a minor release, or an update. Table 1 provides a summary of guidelines for the UX effort that is recommended for each type of release. Table … Read more

How Much User Experience Effort Does It Take for Large Versus Small-to-Medium Companies

Many large technology companies like Apple have invested heavily in user experience for many years. Successful companies have well-established UX departments and have set the standard for ease of use. Such companies have defined many aspects of the user-centered design process we follow today. These companies have the capital to make big investments in user … Read more

Support Corporate Strategy Through Customer Experience Design

Only with a thorough understanding of your customers’ and users’ needs can you design easy-to-use enterprise software solutions. Early research and validation of those needs reduces cycle time in defining requirements. More thorough user interface designs— prototypes and specifications— reduces cycle time in development and testing. Easy-to-use enterprise software solutions reduce training and support costs, … Read more

Develop the Visual and Interaction Design in Context of Your Customers’ Workflow

Once you’re confident that you understand your various customers’ workflow and content, it’s time to develop the visual design—color scheme, fonts, iconography, branding, and all graphic elements. Work closely with the visual designer or visual design team to ensure that the visual design elements support the company’s brand and enhance the ease of use of … Read more

User Experience Balance Scorecard Objectives, Measures and Metrics

Each perspective of the Balance Scorecard includes objectives, measures of those objectives, target values for those measures, and initiatives, as follows: objectives—the major objectives a company must achieve—for example, profitable growth measures—the observable parameters a company uses to measure its progress toward reaching its objectives. For example, a company might measure its progress toward the … Read more

User Experience Balanced Scorecard

Customers have experiences with an organization’s products and services regardless of whether the organization is consciously managing them. A good user experience delights customers—increasing adoption, retention, loyalty, and, most important, revenue. And a poor user experience discourages customers from using a product or service and drives them to the competition—eventually, making a product offering unviable. … Read more

User Experience Balanced Scorecard

It is essential to put your design solutions into the context of the market problems they solve, the business objectives they support, and the customer and user needs they meet. Using a “scorecard” helps organizations balance their strategic objectives across various perspectives such as Financial, Customer, Processes, etc. Each perspective of a scorecard can include … Read more