Designing Experiences for E-Commerce Shoppers

online shopper

The Nielsen Norman Group has identified five types of e-commerce shoppers: Product-focused shoppers know exactly what they want. They only want to locate the product, confirm it’s the right one, and buy it. Some don’t even look at product descriptions at all – a quick look at the name and picture confirms that the product … Read more

The Customer Experience Revolution – The Trailer

It has been an exciting year for Jeof and I and The Customer Experience Revolution this month. We had a great time as Closing Keynotes at SDL Innovate 2014 in San Francisco, the book went into a third printing, and Brigantine Media just released this trailer.

The Secret to Innovation is Human-Centered Design

Many organizations talk about being innovated but few truly are. Organizations create goods, services, spaces, places, events – experiences – for people. Innovated organizations know this and follow the principles of human-centered design to innovate. Human-Centered Design, as the name implies, is designing solutions around human. It is the process that innovators like Apple and … Read more

Perceived Affordance and Four Principles of Screen Interface Design

Psychologist James J. Gibson originally introduced the term “Affordance” in his 1977 article “The Theory of Affordances” and elaborated on it further in his 1979 book The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Gibson defined affordances as all “action possibilities” latent in the environment, objectively measurable and independent of the individual’s ability to recognize them, but … Read more

Learning from Our Customers

I cannot over emphasize the importance of developing prototypes and reviewing them with your target audiences as early and often as possible. Determining, developing and delivering your customer experience is an Outside-in process. Too many companies make the mistake of thinking that they know what is best for their customers. Oftentimes they may think that … Read more

Users are not Designers and Designers and not Users

Users are not designers. You can ask them what they want but they can only give you insight into the incremental improvement that they are concerned with their immediate needs. They do not have your aggregated insight that you have across your customers and new technologies. Designers are not users. They may guess what users … Read more

At the Heart of Experience Design are the Designers and Testing

If you are designing experiences for services then you will need service designers. If it is a space or counter experience then it may include training, architecture, interior design, display design, wayfinding and more. If you are designing experience for a product and that product is a device then you may include industrial designers and … Read more

Order is Everything when Designing Experiences

When iteratively designing and evaluating experiences, the order in which you do this is very important. It starts with content – you must have the content to design the information architecture. I remember learning this lesson when, at one company, Marketing was looking for our Art Director to start creating comps for our next generation … Read more

Measure the Design

Validate that customers’ needs are met and tasks are easy to do. Putting your solution in context for your customers and users, is a key to validating that the solution meets their needs and is easy to use. You need to work with people who fit the profile of your target customers and conduct design … Read more

Winning in the Marketplace: Deciding How Much User Experience Effort Does It Take

You need to decide how much user research, design, and usability testing you can afford. This depends on your competitive market, business objectives, and release cycles. During the early phases of a product development lifecycle, activities include conducting market, customer, and competitive user research. User research may include surveys, focus groups, interviews, and contextual inquiries. … Read more

Winning in the Marketplace with Usability Testing

Once you have validated that your product’s overall workflow meets customer and user needs, do usability testing to evaluate individual tasks to ensure they are easy to complete. Usability evaluation assesses the degree to which users can operate a system and their efficiency and satisfaction when using the system. Such evaluations validate that tasks are … Read more

Reviewing Designs with Your Customers is the Key to Designing Easy-to-use Solutions

Developing prototypes and reviewing them with target customers and users is key to designing easy-to-use solutions. You must spend some time validating workflow, navigation, information grouping, information hierarchy, terminology, labels, and interactions to ensure they meet the needs of the market and your users. Your understanding of various customers’ needs, users’ workflows, and content overlaps … Read more