Emotional Connections at Co-Merge and UX Boot Camps for Entrepreneurs

I got a coupe of events coming up that I want to share: Emotional Connections Co-Merge Tuesday, November 10 5:30 – 6:30 pm. The talk will be Based on Jeof and my book, The Customer Experience Revolution, I will share how companies like Coke, Mini Cooper, Intuit and more develop deep emotional connection that create … Read more

Recent Study shows that when UX Works Closely with Product Teams, Organizations have Superior Results

There is more research that shows organizations that involve user experience professionals early and often in the product lifecycle have superior results. According to The Study of Product Performance Teams 2015: “The importance of user experience to an organization’s products grows each year… Our 2015 data reveals that when user experience professionals are actively involved … Read more

ProductCamp SoCal Saturday, October 24, 2015 at EventPlex in Anaheim

ProductCamp SoCal is a free, user-driven, collaborative unconference for product managers, marketers and designers in Southern California. It is a one-day gathering of product professionals to share, present, network, learn, explore and discuss the latest trends and industry best practices. At ProductCamp So Cal you will: Discover best practices from many industries on state-of-the-art ways … Read more

Word of Mouth Strategies and Tactics

“As far back as 1966 the phrase “word of mouth advertising” was coined in a Harvard Business Review article by Ernest Dichter, the father of motivational research (and the “focus group”). He exhorted the ad community to move from acting as ‘a salesman who tries to get rid of merchandise,’ to the new role of ‘a friend … Read more

Six Steps to Building a Customer Journey Map

memorable experiences

Danny Peters is Customer Experience consultant at Conexperience, specializing in Customer Journey Mapping and Customer Experience Management. He posted 6 Steps to Build a Customer Journey on LinkedIn Pulse. He breaks down CJM in six steps: Step 1 – Episodes: Episodes are groups of touchpoints in the customers’ journey. An episode is like a chapter … Read more

The GE–McKinsey Nine-Box Matrix

Large organizations with multiple business units need a way to determine where to invest across all the units. The GE–McKinsey Nine-Box Matrix is a method for deciding how to share capital across multiple units by assessing each unit’s market position and profitability. This model looks at two factors: Market attractiveness and Business strength: Market Attractiveness is … Read more

How Many People Are On Your Core Product Team?

For the last four years, Actuation Consulting, has been conducting market research on what makes  product teams successful. I had the privilege of helping with the most recent study and they found that: Companies with less than $50 M in annualized revenues have between one to nine core team members. (42% of organizations have between … Read more

The Essential Guide To SWOT Analysis: An Interview with Jackson Hille

Jackson Hille is a Content Associate for FormSwift, a SaaS startup that focuses on providing customizable personal and legal templates to small businesses and nonprofits. He is a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, having been awarded the 2013-14 Departmental Citation in American Studies. He came up with the idea for The Essential … Read more

The BCG Growth Share Matrix with Design Thinking for Today’s Economy

The BCG growth–share matrix is a chart that was created by Bruce D. Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970 to help businesses decide which markets and business units to invest in. The matrix looks at two basic factors: Relative Market Share that represent cash generation Relative Growth Rate that represents cash usage The … Read more

Designing a Consumer Product Packaging Experience

“We know that consumer purchase decisions are often made quickly and subconsciously, but there are opportunities where it’s possible to influence a consumer’s perception of a brand. People often make buying decisions by using all five of their senses and once product designers discover what each of these sensory influencers are, they can develop packaging … Read more

Why there is so much Bad Design?

I am a firm believer in the Human-Centered Design Process. So, why are there so many bad designs? Here’s why: There was never a Designer involved The Designer was brought in on the project too late There wasn’t a person(s) to implement the design The implementer(s) of the design do not have the right skills … Read more