Cross-Channel Attributes and the Customers’ Journey

“Attribution helps brands track their marketing and media efforts more accurately and show how they impact the overall business.” Daniel Kehrer, VP Marketing at MarketShare, posted in Forbe’s Insights The Truth About Cross-Channel Attribution In Marketing. Cross-channel attribution helps us see a holistic view of our customers’ journey Graphic by Theresa Wilcox Attribution provides clear and … Read more

Personas, Actors, and Roles

Personas, actors, and roles have been around for a long time. In Greek theater, the persona referred to the “theatrical mask” – a role played by an actor. The Romans expanded the term to indicate a role in a court of law where personas assume roles with legal attributes such as rights, powers, and duties. … Read more

Designing a Consumer Product Packaging Experience

“We know that consumer purchase decisions are often made quickly and subconsciously, but there are opportunities where it’s possible to influence a consumer’s perception of a brand. People often make buying decisions by using all five of their senses and once product designers discover what each of these sensory influencers are, they can develop packaging … Read more

So what is the Difference between Customer Experience and User Experience?

This is one of the most frequent questions that Jeof and I get. If you have read our book or heard us speak than you know the short answer. For the record, I want to share the longer (and more academic) answer. Don Norman is most credited for coining the term User Experience while at … Read more

Customer-Centric Culture = Employee-Engaged Organization

I recently heard Joseph Jaffe, author of Z.E.R.O.: Zero Paid Media as the New Marketing Model, speak at a conference and discuss the combined forces of accelerated technology disruption, consumer changes, and innovation evolution affect on the marketing world today. Jaffe warned that if the advertising industry does not adapt, it will result in financial … Read more

Staging an Experience: Orchestrating Memories from Pine and Gilmore

Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore published Welcome to the Experience Economy for the Harvard Business Review in July of 1998 followed by the book, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage, in April of 1999 with an updated edition in 2011. Pine and Gilmore provide us with the first … Read more

The Secret to Innovation is Human-Centered Design

Many organizations talk about being innovated but few truly are. Organizations create goods, services, spaces, places, events – experiences – for people. Innovated organizations know this and follow the principles of human-centered design to innovate. Human-Centered Design, as the name implies, is designing solutions around human. It is the process that innovators like Apple and … Read more

The Economics of Net Promoter Temkin Group Report

The Economics of Net Promoter, published by the Temkin Group, examines the link between NPS and loyalty across 19 industries (airlines, appliance makers, auto dealers, banks, car rental agencies, computer makers, credit card issuers, fast food chains, grocery chains, health plans, hotel chains, insurance carriers, Internet service providers, investment firms, parcel delivery services, retailers, software … Read more

Customer Enchantment: An Interview with Bob Caruso

Bob Caruso is a Managing Director at Endeavor Management bringing over 20 years’ experience in reinventing, redefining and energizing customer experiences. He’s been a part of the irreversible power shift in the relationship between customers and service or product providers and to the complex personalized experiences of today. As an alumnus of powerful global consultancies, … Read more

Customer Experience Design Best Practices for Mobile

Forrester (and others) have put out some useful tips for designing experiences for mobile including Mobile App Design Best Practices and Best Practices in Mobile Banking. What I like best is seeing the fundamentals of experience design being applied to mobile. Here some basics: Take a Systematic Approach to Understanding Your Customers Success in designing … Read more

Good Service Design Breeds Satisfied, Loyal Customers

From Mark Eberman post, A Consistent Experience Is a Better Experience: Service Design on Micro Ecommerce : “Service design, viewed narrowly, is crafting each service your company provides so that the customer’s experience is a good one. All services should be designed experiences—nothing is unconsidered, and the needs and desires of all audiences are front … Read more