Companies are increasing their Focus on Customer Experience

“Companies are increasing their focus on customer experience (CX) as they discover its link to loyalty and overall business results. This growing discipline around CX management is creating different stages of evolution. We’ve passed through the initial phases of CX Intrigue and CX Exuberance and have entered into the era of CX Professionalism. As firms … Read more

The Holistic Experience between Brands, Products and Services

“Apple has been held up as the definitive example of how to integrate a brand and its products and services to create an extraordinary company. The stock market, the ultimate arbiter of American business success, now places more value on a design-driven company…”  – Reuben Steiger, Great Brands Are About Fusing Product And Service. How Do … Read more

Users are not Designers and Designers and not Users

Users are not designers. You can ask them what they want but they can only give you insight into the incremental improvement that they are concerned with their immediate needs. They do not have your aggregated insight that you have across your customers and new technologies. Designers are not users. They may guess what users … Read more

What is Important is the Entire Experience

In an interview for June 2000 interation magazine, Dr. Donald Norman stated: “I don’t like the term ‘usability,’ and I don’t want to be called an ‘HCI expert.’ I believe that what’s really important to the people who use our products is much more than whether I can use something, whether I can actually click … Read more

Leading Customer Experience Organizations Have Great Culture

Before you can have a great customer experience, you need to be able to retain the talent that can determine, develop and deliver these experiences. Here are some basics from Erika Andersen’s Forbes post Why Top Talent Leaves: Top 10 Reasons Boiled Down to 1: Not easy, mind you, but remarkably simple. If you want … Read more

Customer Journey Maps, Customer Profiles and Touch Points

CX Journey

Customer journey maps are a diagram that illustrates the steps your customers go through in engaging with your company, its products and services. The journey map is a tool to measure your customers’ satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy to create sustainable long-term revenue. Consumer behavior is driven by the innate human need to satisfy identifiable as … Read more

Designing Great Customer Experiences with the Power of A/B Testing

“Over the past decade, the power of A/B testing has become an open secret of high-stakes web development. It’s now the standard (but seldom advertised) means through whichSilicon Valleyimproves its online products. Using A/B, new ideas can be essentially focus-group tested in real time: Without being told, a fraction of users are diverted to a … Read more

The Power and Financial Value of Designing a Great Customer Experience

Great designs create elegant and meaningful experiences for customers. And the design-oriented organizations understand the financial value of this:  “Apple, the epitome of a design-led organization, now has a market capitalization of $570 billion, larger than the GDP of Switzerland. Its revenue is double Microsoft’s, a similar type of technology organization but one not truly … Read more

Inspire the Creation of Great Experiences

There’s work and there’s your life’s work. The kind of work that has your fingerprints all over it. The kind of work that you’d never compromise on. That you’d sacrifice a weekend for. You can do that kind of work at Apple. People don’t come her to play it safe. They come here to swim … Read more

Customer Experience is a Journey – Not a Destination

Too few companies are even managing their customer experiences. Customers are having experiences with their brand, message, and business – but they are not listening. A few companies understand the importance of purposely determining, developing and delivering a great experience for their customers. They also understand that this is a continuous process that requires dedication. … Read more

Five Design Principles to Make a Great Customer Experience from Citrix

Citrix Design team put out this great video, Why Design Matters to Me – Using Design to Make a Difference, where they explain five design principles to craft the total experience that your customer has with your company: Make it Simple by reducing the amount of information that people have to deal with and create … Read more

From Customer to User Experience

When our experience design team is creating solutions – and that is exactly what great experience designs do – we ask ourselves three questions: What market problem are we solving? What customer pain are we relieving? What user goal are we achieving? It all starts with the marketplace. What is going on in the market … Read more