Context Brokering: The Secret to Personalized Brand Experiences

From Wired Innovation Insight’s blog, The Marketing Tech Differentiator: True Contextualization, Dennis van der Veeke shares with us: “Organizations today often rely on multiple technologies to provide the relevant data points needed to drive customer experience. These systems, however, tend to lack seamless integration with each other, resulting in a disjointed brand experience. To meet … Read more

A Customer Journey Map Workshop

Just last week I ran a customer journey map (CJM) workshop at FICO World 2014. I always enjoy the enthusiasm for customers and engagement around designing better customer experience that happens at these workshops. The secret to any good workshop is to facilitate an environment of trust where the participants can be free to share … Read more

Making the Complex Simple with Progressive Disclosure

So how do you make the complex simple? How do you accommodate a person’s first-time experience from their familiar routine from their advance experts needs? With progressive disclosure. Progressive disclosure is an interaction design technique to help maintain the focus of a person’s attention by reducing clutter, confusion, and cognitive load by presenting only the … Read more

Team Personas and Experience Maps

Paul Brooks wrote this article for UX Magazine about developing personas for team. Personas are a stand-in for a group of people who share common goals. They are fictional representatives—archetypes based on the users’ behaviors, attitudes, and goals. Usually we make the distinction between Buyer Personas and User Personas where the Buyer is the person … Read more

So what is the Difference between Customer Experience and User Experience?

This is one of the most frequent questions that Jeof and I get. If you have read our book or heard us speak than you know the short answer. For the record, I want to share the longer (and more academic) answer. Don Norman is most credited for coining the term User Experience while at … Read more

Designing Experiences for E-Commerce Shoppers

online shopper

The Nielsen Norman Group has identified five types of e-commerce shoppers: Product-focused shoppers know exactly what they want. They only want to locate the product, confirm it’s the right one, and buy it. Some don’t even look at product descriptions at all – a quick look at the name and picture confirms that the product … Read more

Customers Control Our Brand

According to the Corporate Executive Board, (CEB) almost 60% of the customers’ journey is complete before they reach out to vendors. Our customers’ journey starts way before their first transaction. with us And in a Harvard Business Review, “Solution Selling is Dead” (that cites the CEB findings) because talking about our products and services is no longer good enough. It … Read more

Customer Centricity Driven by Next-Generation Analytics

In the FICO Insight whitepaper, When Is Big Data the Way to Customer Centricity? Next-generation analytic learning finds critical insights in an ocean of false clues, Dr. Andrew Jennings, FICO Chief Analytics Officer and Head of FICO Labs, shares that “the real value of Big Data for business is the opportunity to learn about our … Read more

You Talk – We Listen – We Act: Transforming Net Promoter from a Survey to a Process

  I recently heard David Deal, Senior Director Marketing at CHEP, speak about their challenges, trials, and triumphs with developing and maintaining their Net Promoter  Score (NPS) program. Here are a few things that David had to share. For starters… you have to ensure that everyone in the organizations understands the relevance. If it is … Read more

Promoter-Driven Economy and the Next Decade of Innovation in Customer Experience

At Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference, Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, gave the keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience. In his presentation, Richard shared five predictions for the next decade of NPS and CX: Pricing transparency … Read more

Avoid Survey Fatigue with more Effective Ways to Listen to Our Customer

People are tired of surveys! I’m tired of surveys. We are over-solicited with surveys – in store, bottom-of-receipts; online; via pop-ups or post-purchase emails; and, more and more, on our mobile devices. We are experiencing survey fatigue (yep, that is a real thing). Just because you can survey your customers doesn’t mean you should. Surveys … Read more

Four Factors of Net Promoter Score for Success in the New Subscription Economy

Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, had a lot to say at the Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference. At his keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience, Richard explained that Satmetrix sees four important factors to the future … Read more