The Partnership Between Designers and Data Scientists

From Experience Design in the Machine Learning Era, Fabien Girardin shares that with a behavioral data-driven experiences, we exploit thick data, the qualitative information that provides insights on people’s lives, big data from the aggregated behavioral data of millions of people and the small data that each individual generates. Traditionally, designers focus on defining the experience of the service, feature or … Read more

Experience Design Principles for Machine Learning Solutions

“Nowadays, the design of many digital services does not only rely on data manipulation and information design but also on systems that learn from their users.” – Fabien Girardin, Experience Design in the Machine Learning Era Behavioral data – human interactions (transactions) with systems – is fed as context to algorithms that generates knowledge. An … Read more

Agile UX Remote Usability Testing

Usability evaluations assess the degree to which your website, application, product or service can be used by your customers, the efficiency of your solution and the overall delightfulness you deliver. These evaluations are to validate that the tasks are easy to complete. It is a test of the ease of use of your offering not … Read more

What do Product Managers need to know about User Experience?

Let me start with “What do Product Managers need to know about Product Management.” In 1931 at Proctor & Gamble, Neil McElroy wrote a memo that proposed the idea of a “brand man” — an employee to manage a specific product rather than serving a traditional business role. Other organizations adopted brand management and the … Read more

Experience Design and the Sixth Sense

When designing experiences – regardless if it is for a place or event or product or service – you think about how it will be experienced across the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. All of these are important but what about the sixth sense? I don’t mean extrasensory perception or ESP but … Read more

Persona Walkthrough

The other day I was helping a good friend and colleague with a “persona walkthrough.” A persona walkthrough is when you “walkthrough” your experience assuming the role of the persona. In this case, we were walking through an online experience. We started with a persona named Sally. Sally is a “Soccer Mom” – she is … Read more

How to Win I-Want-To-Buy Moments

In a Think with Google I-Want-to-Buy Moments: How Mobile Has Reshaped the Purchase Journey blog, they shared five tips to win micro-moments. I supplemented them with further information that should help you execute: Identify your consumers’ I-want-to-buy moments. Talk to them—in stores, through surveys, in focus groups and forums—to figure out when and how they’re … Read more

Word of Mouth Strategies and Tactics

“As far back as 1966 the phrase “word of mouth advertising” was coined in a Harvard Business Review article by Ernest Dichter, the father of motivational research (and the “focus group”). He exhorted the ad community to move from acting as ‘a salesman who tries to get rid of merchandise,’ to the new role of ‘a friend … Read more

Cross-Channel Attributes and the Customers’ Journey

“Attribution helps brands track their marketing and media efforts more accurately and show how they impact the overall business.” Daniel Kehrer, VP Marketing at MarketShare, posted in Forbe’s Insights The Truth About Cross-Channel Attribution In Marketing. Cross-channel attribution helps us see a holistic view of our customers’ journey Graphic by Theresa Wilcox Attribution provides clear and … Read more

Sales, Service and Product Attract, Retain and Grow Customers with Personas and Journey Maps

Sales job is to find and acquire new customers. Services job is to retain and grow the current clients. Product needs to support both theses objectives. The product needs to provide features that new customers are looking for and features that retain and grow the current client base. In most cases, features that retain and … Read more

Personas, Actors, and Roles

Personas, actors, and roles have been around for a long time. In Greek theater, the persona referred to the “theatrical mask” – a role played by an actor. The Romans expanded the term to indicate a role in a court of law where personas assume roles with legal attributes such as rights, powers, and duties. … Read more

Behavioral Data Insights Drive Personalized, Contextually Relevant Experiences

Customer experiences must be contextually relevant, personalized, and synchronized across the channels that they frequent. Organizations need to go beyond demographic, psychographic and geolocation segmentation and capture, analyze and execute on behavioral data about their customers. Smart organizations deliver the right message or offer at the right time through the right channel to the right … Read more