Create a Brilliant Product Roadmap

Full disclosure, I love Aha! Product Management road-mapping software and have introduced it to several companies. When I saw this post by Brian de Haaff, Aha! Founder and CEO, I had to share it. Here’s what Brian shares on how to create a brilliant product roadmap: Define your strategy. What is the market potential, and … Read more

Viability, Feasibility and Desirability

IDEO has been leading the charge on an innovation model built around Design Thinking. In this model, there are three key perspectives: Viability. Is it viable. Does it have a reasonable chance of succeeding? Is it capable of producing a profit or achieving your goal? Feasibility. Is it feasible. Does the technology exist or can … Read more

Design Sprints with Sean Van Tyne on Portofino Media

I joined host, Armond Merhabian, and co-host, Daniel Spencer, to discuss how Design Sprints can accelerate Product discovery and development. We discussed how Design Sprints take the five stages of Design Thinking and do them in five days. This is not done in the Development phase, but earlier in the Portfolio phase, to determine if … Read more

Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation

Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation is one of the four statements of the Agile Manifesto. If you are a small software company or you are working in a JAD with your customers, then customer collaboration is the actual customer who is purchasing your solution. If you are large organization, the customer may be your internal customer … Read more

Better Metrics for Measuring Agile Development Success

The term agile was first coined for this in 2001, in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.  According to the manifesto Twelve Principles of Agile Software, their highest priority is to “Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” Which is a good thing, especially in today’s rapidly changing marketplace. Another one of their … Read more

Marty Cagan and Continuous Discovery and Delivery

Marty Cagan gave a talk on The Root Causes of Product Failure at productcamp la. Many things that he shared resonated with me. Here are few ideas about the big difference between how most product teams work and the best product teams work: The Product Team. If you want to make great products, the product … Read more

Personas, Journey Maps, Service Blueprints, and Innovation

Personas Personas help you specify the context of use by identifying the people who will use your solution, what they will use it for, and under what conditions they will use it. They help you to create a point of view that is based on your target audiences’ needs and insights so you can see … Read more

Globalization, Internationalization and Localization – What does all it Mean?

I get this one on a regular basis – especially working with global organizations’ product and services design and development. Here is how it breaks down: Globalization “Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by … Read more

UX Boot Camp Workshop Workbooks

One of the best parts of the UX Boot Camps are the workshops – and the workbooks. There are several workshops throughout the day at a boot camp. The workshops are hands-on activities where we get to practice what we have just learned and apply it to our organization – all captured in the workbook. … Read more

Minimum Viable Product

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) center around the business perspective. It asks the question “what is the minimum product I have to build to figure out whether I have a business?” You might do that from testing signups on landing pages or putting up price points and collecting payment information to helps assess the true … Read more

User Experience is not what you think it is

UI is not UX   Usability is not UX   Design is not UX User experience encompasses all aspects of your end-user’s interaction with your company’s brand, products and services. To learn more about what User Experience is not and is, please join us at the UX Boot Camp for Product Managers in Tustin, California, … Read more

The Power of Product Thinking

In his blog post Why Product Thinking is the next big thing in UX Design: Life’s too short to build something nobody wants… Nikkel Blaase shares: “When thinking of User Experience, we often think of a simple, beautiful, and easy to use feature-set of a product, that makes the user’s life easier. But as a … Read more