How to Build the Perfect Team

In a recent New York Times article, What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team: New research reveals surprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter, Charles Duhigg shares that five years ago, Google — one of the most public proselytizers of how studying workers can transform productivity — … Read more

What to Expect at a UX Boot Camp

Here is what you can expect at the UX Boot Camp for Entrepreneurs this Saturday, January 23 at PIRCH headquarter (9620 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 100 San Diego, Ca 92121): 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM: registration, continental breakfast, a little networking… 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM: presentations, hands-on activities, and a little fun 12:00 PM … Read more

ProductCamp SoCal Saturday, October 24, 2015 at EventPlex in Anaheim

ProductCamp SoCal is a free, user-driven, collaborative unconference for product managers, marketers and designers in Southern California. It is a one-day gathering of product professionals to share, present, network, learn, explore and discuss the latest trends and industry best practices. At ProductCamp So Cal you will: Discover best practices from many industries on state-of-the-art ways … Read more

Build a Design Thinking Culture that Creates World-Class Innovations

In order to be a top brand, companies need to build a Design Thinking culture that supports world-class innovation. Many organizations are focused on operational efficiency that does not have room for the design-thinking’s explorative and iterative process where mistakes must be made for innovation to occur. According to a recent article in HBR, How … Read more

People over Process and Tools

The first line of the Agile Manifesto is “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.” My interpretation – and my experience – of this, is that no matter how great your process and tools, it is people and their interactions that is the success of any organization. In his book, What the CEO Wants You … Read more

Three Keys to Innovation Leadership

Harvard Business School’s Linda Hill, co-author of Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation, and TED Speaker, with her team conducted extensive research and concluded there are pronounced differences between the qualities associated with traditional business leadership and those required to sustain a culture of innovation. “The most effective leaders will lead from … Read more

The GE–McKinsey Nine-Box Matrix

Large organizations with multiple business units need a way to determine where to invest across all the units. The GE–McKinsey Nine-Box Matrix is a method for deciding how to share capital across multiple units by assessing each unit’s market position and profitability. This model looks at two factors: Market attractiveness and Business strength: Market Attractiveness is … Read more

How Many People Are On Your Core Product Team?

For the last four years, Actuation Consulting, has been conducting market research on what makes  product teams successful. I had the privilege of helping with the most recent study and they found that: Companies with less than $50 M in annualized revenues have between one to nine core team members. (42% of organizations have between … Read more

Sales, Service and Product Attract, Retain and Grow Customers with Personas and Journey Maps

Sales job is to find and acquire new customers. Services job is to retain and grow the current clients. Product needs to support both theses objectives. The product needs to provide features that new customers are looking for and features that retain and grow the current client base. In most cases, features that retain and … Read more