Better is Unsustainable, Unique is Unstoppable

“Better is unsustainable, unique is unstoppable” – Denise Lee Yohn, author of Fusion: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies. Lots of people talk about getting better at something – but better is not sustainable – and there is always someone who will figure out how to do something even better. As … Read more

Test Your Riskiest Assumptions First

How do you know you’re making the right bets with your ideas? Which bets do your ideas hinge on? These are our riskiest assumptions. They need to be tested before you spend your valuable time and money. With the ‘problem’ in mind, map out the customer journey to identify the riskiest assumption. Armed with a … Read more

It’s Really a “Riskiest Assumption Test”, Not a Minimal Viable Product

“There is a flaw at the heart of the term Minimum Viable Product: it’s not a product. It’s a way of testing whether you’ve found a problem worth solving. A way to reduce risk and quickly test your biggest assumption. Instead of building an MVP identify your Riskiest Assumption and Test it.” – Rik Higham, … Read more

Increase Quality and Time to Market with Rapid Prototyping

memorable experiences

Markets are changing faster than ever. Driven by expediential changes in technology, customers want more personalized experiences and they want it now. How do you keep up with the ever-changing market landscape and deliver high-quality products and services? No matter how deep our up-front understanding is of our market, we really cannot predict our customers’ … Read more

The ProductCamp San Diego Experience, Small Tasks and Backup Plans

We held our first product camp in San Diego in October of 2018. It was a great event. I was impressed by the turnout and quality of discussions. A product camp is an “unconference” for product marketing, management, design, development or related topics. An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Modern unconferences have been around since … Read more

Brand Asset Valuator

Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) is a metric applied for the measurement of brand value of an entity. BAV was developed by Young and Rubicam. BAV measures a brand under the two broad categories: Brand Vitality and Brand Stature. Brand Vitality refers to the growth potential of the brand. Brand Vitality is sub-divided into Differentiation and … Read more

Customer Journey Map Metrics

Customer journey maps are a visualization of the journey that your customers go through to understand and engage with your organization. They tell a story from when a prospective customer first heard about you, through first contact and into a (hopefully) long-term relationship. Customer journey maps are a tool for your organization to measure customer … Read more

Self-Transcendence, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Experience Economy

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was first proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review and later fully expressed in his 1954 book Motivation and Personality. This hierarchy is a popular framework in sociology research and management training. Maslow’s theory suggests that the most … Read more

An Experience is More Than What it Looks Like

Visual appearance is important. Studies have shown that if your product appears professional, customers are more likely to fault themselves for usability issues versus the product. Visual appearance also contributes to the overall aesthetics of your product that create that important emotional connection. It is important to get your visual appearance right. But your brand … Read more