Customer Centricity Driven by Next-Generation Analytics

In the FICO Insight whitepaper, When Is Big Data the Way to Customer Centricity? Next-generation analytic learning finds critical insights in an ocean of false clues, Dr. Andrew Jennings, FICO Chief Analytics Officer and Head of FICO Labs, shares that “the real value of Big Data for business is the opportunity to learn about our … Read more

Customer Centricity Drives Innovation and Agility has built automated systems that detect when a customer hasn’t paid the lowest available price for a product, or when the playback of a streaming movie is shoddy, and doles out refunds. In one example cited by CEO Jeff Bezos, they detected poor playback for a customer who rented the movie “Casablanca” online and … Read more

It Doesn’t Pay to Delight a Customer

memorable experiences

I recently heard Rick DeLisi, co-author of The Effortless Experience, give a Keynote: All of Your Customers are loyal Right Now. What about Tomorrow? Rick shared that after years of focus on the “above and beyond” service mentality, research of tens of thousands of customers globally across multiple industries and customer types indicates there is … Read more

Brand Driven Behavioral Change

As organizations are beginning to realize that for long-term growth, you need long-term customers (advocates) and to have customer advocates, who sell your brand for you and loyally spend more and more dollars for your products and services, you must have people in your organization that are engaged, brand advocates. But how do you do … Read more

Customer-Centric Culture = Employee-Engaged Organization

I recently heard Joseph Jaffe, author of Z.E.R.O.: Zero Paid Media as the New Marketing Model, speak at a conference and discuss the combined forces of accelerated technology disruption, consumer changes, and innovation evolution affect on the marketing world today. Jaffe warned that if the advertising industry does not adapt, it will result in financial … Read more

Promoter-Driven Economy and the Next Decade of Innovation in Customer Experience

At Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference, Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, gave the keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience. In his presentation, Richard shared five predictions for the next decade of NPS and CX: Pricing transparency … Read more

Avoid Survey Fatigue with more Effective Ways to Listen to Our Customer

People are tired of surveys! I’m tired of surveys. We are over-solicited with surveys – in store, bottom-of-receipts; online; via pop-ups or post-purchase emails; and, more and more, on our mobile devices. We are experiencing survey fatigue (yep, that is a real thing). Just because you can survey your customers doesn’t mean you should. Surveys … Read more

Four Factors of Net Promoter Score for Success in the New Subscription Economy

Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, had a lot to say at the Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference. At his keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience, Richard explained that Satmetrix sees four important factors to the future … Read more

Customer Experience and the Three Types of Net Promoter Adopters

I was at the recent Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference where Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, gave the keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience. In his presentation, Richard explained that Satmetrix sees three types of NPS … Read more

What Great Brands Do: An Interview with Denise Lee Yohn

Blending a fresh perspective, twenty-five years of experience working with world-class brands including Sony and Frito-Lay, and a talent for inspiring audiences, Denise Lee Yohn is a leading authority on building and positioning exceptional brands.  Denise is the author of the new book What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles That Separate the Best … Read more

The Omni-Channel Shopper

According to IDC Retail Insights report “Satisfying the Omni-channel Consumers Whenever and Wherever They Shop” , Multi-Channel Shoppers spend, on average, 15% to 30% more with a retailer than a Single Channel Shoppers – which makes sense, since there are more channels from which to purchase. But the report goes on to state that Omni-Channel … Read more

Staging an Experience: Orchestrating Memories from Pine and Gilmore

Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore published Welcome to the Experience Economy for the Harvard Business Review in July of 1998 followed by the book, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage, in April of 1999 with an updated edition in 2011. Pine and Gilmore provide us with the first … Read more