Emotional Connections at Co-Merge and UX Boot Camps for Entrepreneurs

I got a coupe of events coming up that I want to share: Emotional Connections Co-Merge Tuesday, November 10 5:30 – 6:30 pm. The talk will be Based on Jeof and my book, The Customer Experience Revolution, I will share how companies like Coke, Mini Cooper, Intuit and more develop deep emotional connection that create … Read more

SoCal UX Camp 2015 UX Design and Agile Development Presentation Video

SoCal UX Camp, it is a free, user-driven, collaborative “unconference” for User Experience Designers, Research Analysts, and students held in Southern California. It is a one-day gathering of User Experience folks to share, present, network, learn and discuss. And is a ton of fun for UX geeks and enthusiasts. One of the topics that I … Read more

Tailor Customer Insights to Prioritize Actions

Just as we discussed how to chart satisfaction and value, you can do the same with tailoring your customer insights to prioritize actions. Somewhat like a SWOT analysis, this charts the most important strengths and weaknesses based on your insight data findings. Important weaknesses are where you need to focus ways to improve your customer … Read more

Word of Mouth Strategies and Tactics

“As far back as 1966 the phrase “word of mouth advertising” was coined in a Harvard Business Review article by Ernest Dichter, the father of motivational research (and the “focus group”). He exhorted the ad community to move from acting as ‘a salesman who tries to get rid of merchandise,’ to the new role of ‘a friend … Read more

Six Steps to Building a Customer Journey Map

memorable experiences

Danny Peters is Customer Experience consultant at Conexperience, specializing in Customer Journey Mapping and Customer Experience Management. He posted 6 Steps to Build a Customer Journey on LinkedIn Pulse. He breaks down CJM in six steps: Step 1 – Episodes: Episodes are groups of touchpoints in the customers’ journey. An episode is like a chapter … Read more

Cross-Channel Attributes and the Customers’ Journey

“Attribution helps brands track their marketing and media efforts more accurately and show how they impact the overall business.” Daniel Kehrer, VP Marketing at MarketShare, posted in Forbe’s Insights The Truth About Cross-Channel Attribution In Marketing. Cross-channel attribution helps us see a holistic view of our customers’ journey Graphic by Theresa Wilcox Attribution provides clear and … Read more

Contextual Design

Contextual Design is a process that includes methods to: collect data about people in context of their intents, desires, and drivers; interpret and consolidate that data; use the data to create prototypes; and iteratively test and refine the prototypes with the target audience it is intended to help to ensure delight. Contextual Design is based … Read more

Learn, Anticipate and Simplify the Customer Experience across Channels with Predictive Analytics

memorable experiences

We are at the intersection of three maturing technologies: mobile devices, cloud services and big data analytics. Experience Makers collect, correlate and analyze data from their customer interactions across channels to learn, anticipate and simplify the experiences they create for their customers. In the Forbes.com post, Using Big Data and Machine Learning to Enrich Customer Experiences, Kurt … Read more

Personas, Actors, and Roles

Personas, actors, and roles have been around for a long time. In Greek theater, the persona referred to the “theatrical mask” – a role played by an actor. The Romans expanded the term to indicate a role in a court of law where personas assume roles with legal attributes such as rights, powers, and duties. … Read more

Behavioral Data Insights Drive Personalized, Contextually Relevant Experiences

Customer experiences must be contextually relevant, personalized, and synchronized across the channels that they frequent. Organizations need to go beyond demographic, psychographic and geolocation segmentation and capture, analyze and execute on behavioral data about their customers. Smart organizations deliver the right message or offer at the right time through the right channel to the right … Read more