UX Boot Camp Workshop Workbooks

One of the best parts of the UX Boot Camps are the workshops – and the workbooks. There are several workshops throughout the day at a boot camp. The workshops are hands-on activities where we get to practice what we have just learned and apply it to our organization – all captured in the workbook. … Read more

User Experience is not what you think it is

UI is not UX   Usability is not UX   Design is not UX User experience encompasses all aspects of your end-user’s interaction with your company’s brand, products and services. To learn more about what User Experience is not and is, please join us at the UX Boot Camp for Product Managers in Tustin, California, … Read more

The Third Wave of the Internet is all about the Experience

In the mid 1990’s there was a common believe of “build it and they will come” when it came to internet businesses. There were investments into anything that had a ‘dot com’ at the end of it because no one wanted to miss out on becoming a millionaire. After billions of dollars were invested with … Read more

Persona Walkthrough

The other day I was helping a good friend and colleague with a “persona walkthrough.” A persona walkthrough is when you “walkthrough” your experience assuming the role of the persona. In this case, we were walking through an online experience. We started with a persona named Sally. Sally is a “Soccer Mom” – she is … Read more

What to Expect at a UX Boot Camp

Here is what you can expect at the UX Boot Camp for Entrepreneurs this Saturday, January 23 at PIRCH headquarter (9620 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 100 San Diego, Ca 92121): 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM: registration, continental breakfast, a little networking… 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM: presentations, hands-on activities, and a little fun 12:00 PM … Read more

How Do You Design Great Solutions for People?

We can only design great solutions for people when we have a deep and detailed knowledge of their needs. Each new generation of solutions improves based on market and customer feedback. But how do you do this? What is the process? There is a hierarchical structure of activities, tasks, actions, and operation to better understand customers’ interactions … Read more

Do You Have the Right User Experience Strategy and are You Spending Your UX Dollars Wisely?

Forrester Research, research has shown that 70% of projects fail due to lack of user experience and every dollar invested in UX brings 100 dollars in return. So how do you ensure that your organization doesn’t fail at user experience and are spending your dollars wisely? Are you familiar with Balanced Scorecard? Balanced Scorecard is … Read more

A Focus on User Experience Increased Conversions by 350%

  Skinit was ranked #25 by Forbes in 2011 as a Most Promising Company. They make personalized adhesive logos and other artwork for consumers to stick onto cell phones, laptops, digital cameras and other electronic gadgets with distribution partners that include Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft and works with sports teams and entertainment firms like Disney to … Read more

Small Companies can Deliver Great Experiences just like Apple

Did you get a chance to catch me on Real Talk San Diego1700 AM Friday, December 3 from 11 to 12? If not or if you want to hear it again, you can download the podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/realtalksandiego/sean-van-tyne-12-04-15 It was a fun and lively discussion. We discussed how User Experience encompasses all aspects of your … Read more

User Experience encompasses all aspects of Your Customers interaction with Your Brand

memorable experiences

User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. It is an approach that puts the user at the center of the design process and incorporates user concerns and advocacy from the beginning. User experience includes everything that the user can experience – the visual appearance, interactive … Read more

How to Win I-Want-To-Buy Moments

In a Think with Google I-Want-to-Buy Moments: How Mobile Has Reshaped the Purchase Journey blog, they shared five tips to win micro-moments. I supplemented them with further information that should help you execute: Identify your consumers’ I-want-to-buy moments. Talk to them—in stores, through surveys, in focus groups and forums—to figure out when and how they’re … Read more

Emotion and the Customer Experience go Hand-in-Hand

memorable experiences

“No purchase is void of emotion. Brands have spent millions attempting to connect positive feelings to a product… Increasingly, brands are striving to bring emotion beyond slogans and packaging and incorporate it into the entire customer experience.” according to Jason Wesbecher, CMO of Mattersight in a recent Huffington Post blog. As best-selling author and psychologist … Read more