And One More Thing… Realizing a Vision of Innovation through Customer Experience

“And one more thing…” is a phrase Steve Jobs famously used in making announcements of products towards the end of his presentations. Steve Jobs also said “We’re gambling on our vision, and we would rather do that than make ‘me too’ products. Let some other companies do that. For us, it’s always the next dream.” … Read more

Brand Driven Behavioral Change

As organizations are beginning to realize that for long-term growth, you need long-term customers (advocates) and to have customer advocates, who sell your brand for you and loyally spend more and more dollars for your products and services, you must have people in your organization that are engaged, brand advocates. But how do you do … Read more

Customer-Centric Culture = Employee-Engaged Organization

I recently heard Joseph Jaffe, author of Z.E.R.O.: Zero Paid Media as the New Marketing Model, speak at a conference and discuss the combined forces of accelerated technology disruption, consumer changes, and innovation evolution affect on the marketing world today. Jaffe warned that if the advertising industry does not adapt, it will result in financial … Read more

Four Factors of Net Promoter Score for Success in the New Subscription Economy

Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, had a lot to say at the Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference. At his keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience, Richard explained that Satmetrix sees four important factors to the future … Read more

The Four Customer Experience Core Competencies

In the latest Temkin Insight Report, The Four Customer Experience Core Competencies, it highlights what it takes for an organization to become truly customer-centric. The report focuses on these four competencies: Purposeful Leadership: Companies need to make sure that all of their HR practices reinforce the company’s purpose. Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, explained … Read more

25 Best Practices to Employee Engagement

The Temkin Group recently published The Five I’s of Employee Engagement. As recent research has shown us the direct correlation between employee engagement, customer loyalty and profitability, this report spells out the 25 best practices based on interviews with companies that lead in this area. Here are the results: Inform 1. Follow a thorough communication … Read more

The TEDxSanDiego Experience

TED is a nonprofit devoted to “ideas worth spreading” – amazing talks by remarkable people, free to the world. It started as a conference bringing together people from Technology, Entertainment, and Design and has grown to include the TED Talks video site, annual TED Prize, TED Fellows, TEDx programs, and more. TEDx programs are designed … Read more

The Six Stages of CX Maturity

In the Temkin Group Insight Report: The Future of Customer Experience, Bruce Temkin shares the six stages of CX maturity: Ignore: Company does not see customer experience as a key differentiator. Explore: An ad-hoc group is established to understand how the company can improve customer experience. Mobilize: A full-time executive leads the effort to improve … Read more

Leading Customer Experience Organizations Have Great Culture

Before you can have a great customer experience, you need to be able to retain the talent that can determine, develop and deliver these experiences. Here are some basics from Erika Andersen’s Forbes post Why Top Talent Leaves: Top 10 Reasons Boiled Down to 1: Not easy, mind you, but remarkably simple. If you want … Read more

Customer Journey Maps, Customer Profiles and Touch Points

CX Journey

Customer journey maps are a diagram that illustrates the steps your customers go through in engaging with your company, its products and services. The journey map is a tool to measure your customers’ satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy to create sustainable long-term revenue. Consumer behavior is driven by the innate human need to satisfy identifiable as … Read more

Inspire the Creation of Great Experiences

There’s work and there’s your life’s work. The kind of work that has your fingerprints all over it. The kind of work that you’d never compromise on. That you’d sacrifice a weekend for. You can do that kind of work at Apple. People don’t come her to play it safe. They come here to swim … Read more