Artificial Intelligence Learn, Leverage, and Master Model

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force across various industries, reshaping the way we work, communicate, and even think. From healthcare to finance and beyond, organizations are harnessing the power of AI to streamline operations, make data-driven decisions, and enhance customer experiences.  The AI Learn, Leverage, and Master (LLM) model helps organizations assess their … Read more

UX Design Creating Transparency and Trust for Machine Learning

How we make machine learning transparent to our customers is one of the great design challenges of our time—and a very necessary one. Machine learning refers to different kinds of algorithms that learn from inputs like human interaction or data and create evolving feedback over time from that input. It can use preexisting data to … Read more

Artificial Intelligence Experience Design Principles

As was the case with the mobile revolution, and the web before that, machine learning is causing us to rethink, restructure, and reconsider what’s possible in virtually every experience we build. At Google, they call this Human-Centered Machine Learning – staying grounded in human needs while solving for them—in ways that are uniquely possible through … Read more