AI-Driven UX in Agile Development

AI-driven User Experience in an Agile development environment is an innovative approach that combines artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with human-centered design principles and iterative development methodologies. It enhances efficiency, improve decision-making, and personalize customer experiences by leveraging AI’s capabilities to automate tasks, analyze data, and generate insights, ultimately leading to faster iterations and better product development. Here’s how: AI in … Read more

AI Drives Faster, Higher Quality, Customer-Centric Product Development Lifecycle Innovation

innovation culture

Currently, the software product development lifecycle sees fragmented ownership and multiple pain points. AI-driven product development lifecycle will enable faster, more customer-centric, and higher-quality innovation. As part of its broad “overhaul” of the product development process, AI will bring five fundamental changes to the software PDLC, which will profoundly impact speed, quality, value, and overall … Read more

Persona-Driven Agile Development 

Persona-driven Agile Development is a methodology that combines the human-centric focus of personas with the iterative and flexible nature of Agile methodologies. This approach helps ensure that the products being developed align closely with the needs and goals of the target customer by keeping them at the center of the development process. 1. Create Personas … Read more

A Legacy Company Guide to Innovation 

According to Ivanka Visnjic and Ronnie Leten, authors of How to collaborate well and scale up fast (Havard Business Review. September–October 2024), “Large firms aren’t designed for moon shots. Their owners don’t like the risks and won’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg. As a result, all too often they end up defaulting to incremental … Read more

AI-Driven Product Development Lifecycle 

“Nearly 70 percent of top economic performers, versus just half of their peers, use their own software to differentiate themselves from their competitors. One-third of those top performers directly monetize software. Generative AI (gen AI) offers a tantalizing opportunity to increase this value opportunity by helping software talent create better code faster.” – The Gen AI … Read more

Iterative Reviews and Incremental Revisions in Agile Human Centered Design

I love the Agile development process. I love that there are short development cycles to pivot quickly in these ever-changing markets we are in; continuous reviews with stakeholder to ensure we are delivering the right business value or course correct if needed; and the use of stories to keep the focus on the people who … Read more

Agile Design Thinking Sprint Planning

The highest priority of Agile Development is to “Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” Agile Development advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, and it encourages rapid and flexible response to change. Agile development achieves these goals through short development cycles called “sprints.” The short time frame … Read more

Easy to Use 2.0 Audiobook

You can now listen to the Easy to Use 2.0 audiobook! Here are few things that folks have been saying about Easy to Use 2.0: “It’s refreshing to see the thoughtfulness and design expertise Sean Van Tyne brings to the enterprise software space. It is a technology category that’s ripe for design-led disruption, and this … Read more

Fail Fast, Succeed Faster

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” – Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft “Early success is a terrible teacher. You’re essentially being rewarded for a lack of preparation, so when you find yourself in a situation where you must prepare, you can’t do it. You don’t know how.” … Read more

Test Your Riskiest Assumptions First

How do you know you’re making the right bets with your ideas? Which bets do your ideas hinge on? These are our riskiest assumptions. They need to be tested before you spend your valuable time and money. With the ‘problem’ in mind, map out the customer journey to identify the riskiest assumption. Armed with a … Read more

It’s Really a “Riskiest Assumption Test”, Not a Minimal Viable Product

“There is a flaw at the heart of the term Minimum Viable Product: it’s not a product. It’s a way of testing whether you’ve found a problem worth solving. A way to reduce risk and quickly test your biggest assumption. Instead of building an MVP identify your Riskiest Assumption and Test it.” – Rik Higham, … Read more