Customer Segment Profiles and Personas: Data to Insights

According to Greg Chapman, Founder and CEO of The Pocket CMO, ‘customer segmentation provides a comprehensive understanding of your current and potential consumers that produces a variety of rich data including identifying the financially-optimal targets for your brand.’ Greg shares that:

“Profiles are built from data. Personas are built from insights.
You don’t market to data; you market to people.”

Greg Chapman

The data from the customer segmentation profile drives the persona development. A properly constructed profile will include:

Demographic Info like age, gender, income, education, occupation, region, etc.

An Overview of Economic Value – Percentage of total spending in the category; number of purchase occasions over time; recency; frequency; and monetary spend attributes at the category level; etc.

Behavior profile – What the segment seeks, what they buy, and how they interact with media. These are the attributes that drive them to transact in a category.

Brand Preference Behavior – shopping and spending patterns with competitive brands in addition to your own.

The data derived from the profiles will help you identify who you need to talk to develop your personas. To develop your personas, conduct primary qualitative research. Research methods may include contextual inquiry or other ethnographic research.

A properly constructed persona will include:

Life Values – priorities around family, friends, relationships, and work/life balance.

Life Goals – what are they trying to achieve relative to your product, service, brand, or category.

Lifestyle Attributes – what do they enjoys, hobbies, recreation. What they watch on TV, listens to on the radio, and reads. Behaviors around media consumption and why.

Motivators – what drives them and why.

Underlying Fears – what bothers them, or makes them afraid, and why.

Attributes Desired – in a Product, Brand, or Service.

Barriers – perceived or otherwise, that may prevent them from achieving their goals.

Chapman, Greg. Profile or Persona. It’s Not One or the Other. The Pocket CMO. July 22, 2018.