- Set the stage – describe the role (and the persona if it relevant to the design) and the scenario with a focus on the goal. DON’T explain the design or the rationale – let the design speak for itself – if folks have questions then that is a sign that there is an opportunity to improve the experience.
- Start at the top – describe the top of the design and move to the bottom from left to right so everyone understand the overall information architecture and *context* of the content. DON’T use superlatives – just the facts – let the design speak for itself
- Move slowly through the design – give the audience time to absorb the idea
- Pause *often* – for folks to ask questions and make comments
- Listen carefully to the feedback – acknowledge others’ point of view and *take the emotion out of the discussion* – focus on what can make the design better
- Ask questions – to make sure everyone understand what is being shared
- Summarize – to validate understanding and agreement
- Say We rather than I
- Being experts does not always make us right. Good ideas can come from anyone and anywhere. Being humble enough to accept other ideas is paramount to our success.
- Even if you disagree with a point someone else has made, acknowledge their point with “Yes” then follow that up by stating your rationale and idea- the act of saying Yes makes others less defensive and more apt to hear your perspective.