Iterative Reviews and Incremental Revisions in Agile Human Centered Design

I love the Agile development process. I love that there are short development cycles to pivot quickly in these ever-changing markets we are in; continuous reviews with stakeholder to ensure we are delivering the right business value or course correct if needed; and the use of stories to keep the focus on the people who … Read more

Customer Insights from Idea to Solution with Integrated Systems

Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs are great for capturing, measuring, and, ultimately, improving your customer experience. But how do you take those great customer insights and get them from idea to solution? Ideas to improve or enhance an organization’s products and services can come from many sources. Sometimes it’s the people within the organizations … Read more

Customer Experience Loyalty ROI

customer experience ROI

To determine exactly how customer experience affects loyalty, the XM Institute recently (December 2019 report) asked 10,000 U.S. consumers about both their experiences with and their loyalty to 294 U.S. companies across 20 industries, and then they analyzed their responses. The results show improved CX correlates to increase purchases and make recommendations: Purchase more from … Read more

Gen Z Customer Experience Tips

Generation Z, is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone born after 1997. Gen Z grew up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as tech-addicted, anti-social, or “social justice warriors.”  Millennials currently hold the … Read more

Customer Experience Innovations

innovative idea

From a recent post What customers want and expect is constantly changing. To stay ahead of the competition, companies need to constantly be finding new ways to serve customers and enhance the customer experience. These 20 companies showcase the freshest examples of customer experience innovation. 1.  Mercedes Launches AR Owner’s Manual Car owner’s manuals are … Read more

Customer Segment Profiles and Personas: Data to Insights

According to Greg Chapman, Founder and CEO of The Pocket CMO, ‘customer segmentation provides a comprehensive understanding of your current and potential consumers that produces a variety of rich data including identifying the financially-optimal targets for your brand.’ Greg shares that: “Profiles are built from data. Personas are built from insights. You don’t market to … Read more

Customer Journey Mapping ROI

As more organizations move towards a more customer-centric way of doing business, customer journey maps remain an important tool to help companies better understand what’s happening today, and what customers want tomorrow. In an ‘outside-in, customer-centric’ way, customer journey maps serve to discover, codify and share relevant information across the customer lifecycle and help to … Read more

Better is Unsustainable, Unique is Unstoppable

“Better is unsustainable, unique is unstoppable” – Denise Lee Yohn, author of Fusion: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies. Lots of people talk about getting better at something – but better is not sustainable – and there is always someone who will figure out how to do something even better. As … Read more

Test Your Riskiest Assumptions First

How do you know you’re making the right bets with your ideas? Which bets do your ideas hinge on? These are our riskiest assumptions. They need to be tested before you spend your valuable time and money. With the ‘problem’ in mind, map out the customer journey to identify the riskiest assumption. Armed with a … Read more