Corporate User Experience Maturity Model: Part 4 of 4

Level 3: Integrated User Experience and Predictable Process

When an organization integrates user experience into their corporate strategy then, using metrics, they can effectively control their customers’ user experience with their organization, products, and services. In particular, the organization can identify ways to adjust and adapt the process to particular projects and tailor it to fit the needs of the target market, segmentation, and customer type.

Quantitative quality user experience goals tend to be set as part of the organizations overall corporate balanced scorecard. Using quantitative, statistical techniques, process performance is measured and monitored, and becomes predictable and controllable. For example, as part of the organization’s financial perspective to increase revenue, increasing customer satisfaction in the customer perspective by measuring the products usability score in the process perspective would be a part of the user experience corporate balance scorecard.

If a focus on user experience becomes a core distinction for an organization then they may enter the highest level of corporate user experience maturity.

Level 4: Customer-Driven Corporation

If one of the primary focuses of the organization is on continually improving the user experience process performance then the organization has become customer driven in a controlled and measured way. Quantitative user experience process improvement objectives for the organization are established. These objectives become core to the organization and are annually reviewed and revised to reflect changing market and business objectives.

The user experience process improvements are measured and evaluated against the quantitative corporate process improvement objectives including financial, customer, process, and human capital perspectives. This may include having user experience professionals involved in corporate strategies such as participating in discovering and defining new market segments or participating in third party vendor selection in terms of the overall corporate user experience integration.


Your organizations, products and services have a “user experience” regardless if you are aware of it. Organizations that manage and measure their user experience process gain the revenue benefits from satisfied customers. Use this model to define where your organization’s user experience maturity is, benchmark against your competitors, and reach the next level.